GEJ-Of Shoes, Clues and Hearts
If you're not supporting #OccupyNigeria, it is likely you're an enemy of progress. If you're not following the #OccupyNigeria trending topic on Twitter then basically, you suck. You won’t lose Nigerian points, but you will lose cool points, and in Nigerian street lingo: you're sitting on a long thing! :)
Hear what @iamremraj said about the President, Goodluck Jonathan (GEJ) :# OCCUPYNIGERIA GEJ has evolved from SHOELESS to CLUELESS, now to HEARTLESS. Let's tell him he has stirred the hornet's nest Yeye!(clownish) :D
SHOELESS ( GEJ did say he had no shoes as a child-suggesting poverty)
SHOELESS ( GEJ did say he had no shoes as a child-suggesting poverty)

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