Petraeus- Men, Women, Life & the Truth

truths about the Petraeus brouhaha:
*Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac, it will
get you more play ( babes) than those cool Jordans,
*Women need a reason to have
sex, men need a place( it doesn't matter whether she looks like Beyonce or
Arnold Schwazenegger's babysitter)
*Men need 4 things: food, shelter, p*ssy and, oh, new
*It is easier to control an Army of men than an emotional woman ( Petraeus didn't get caught, the FBI got on his case 'cos of an emo woman)
*It is easier to control an Army of men than an emotional woman ( Petraeus didn't get caught, the FBI got on his case 'cos of an emo woman)
*Life happens to us all but we should still make an effort to be
attractive to our significant others.
*If you’ve committed to someone and you
ever happen to encounter someone you think you may be attracted to, ( don't say
I got this, you aint got sh*t
) nod your head at them, take a deep breath,
turn the other way, and RUN!! 

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