Punishment- 8 -match ban and £40,000 fine
I'd like to say that Suarez is not Racist because a lot of blacks support Liverpool and are his fans. But that's a small minded answer to a complicated problem. You shouldn't credit the average footballer with that 'know better' level of sophistication, because, without football, he'll probably be among the dregs of the society-from whom you'll expect such behaviour. Did he use the 'N' word? -yes(he admitted it), was it in the heat of the moment? (most likely-anybody who has played the game knows that adrenaline and anger are best friends), is he Racist?(possibly). Cardinal sin- admitting that he used the vile word- he might have got away with it if it was his word against Patrice Evra's( which I suspect will be the outcome in the John Terry case, unfortunately) In the light of the evidence, does he deserve to be punished? , Yes.
Do the crime, do the time
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